Three Pekes

I wrote a long post about my dogs and lost it this morning, I am sure this one wont be as passionate as the first one was! It is almost midnight, just got back from work and cant fall asleep yet, so wanted to write about my adorable doggies. When we first bought our home about maybe 8 years ago, my husband came home on Christmas eve with Chloe. She belonged to a very financially wealthy man that my husband did work for. He was bringing her to a shelter because she did not get along with the others. My hubby did not have the heart to lose Chloe. We had lived on this guys property at one time, and really had gotten to love all of his doggies. We took Chloe in, and she was pregnant, no wonder she wasn't getting along with the rest, I was a little bitchy too when I was pregnant! I watched Chloe give birth to five puppies, and my husband was the best ever, knew exactly what to do. She was awesome...the whole experience was absolutely breath taking. She just took such good care of herself and her little ones. She is the one in the middle in the picture. We kept two of the puppies, Lally - the runt, and CJ (chloe Jr. she looks just like her!). We gave away the other three; one went to the rich guy (Ozzie), one to my college roommate (Scruffy) and another to a friend Mark had worked with (Sugar). I had paid to have them all fixed, and off they went to their new owners. They all have such different experiences and live in such different places. Ozzie was peeing all over the rich guys rugs (paybacks) so he called one Sunday morning and told me that he was bringing Ozzie to a shelter and wanted to tell me first because he knew I would be hurt if he didn't, well, yeah, just give your baby away again! So my roommate from college got a wake up call and the next day she drove 7 hours to pick Ozzie up! I didn't want to give him up because I had slept with him that night, bu tnew Melissa had one of the litter already and it would be nice for Scruffy to have a buddy. These doggies are just loves! Let me tell you, they changed my life! Lally recently came down with Lymes disease and all three are being vaccinated for this, over the past three months, I have had all three to the vet three times. Chloe is getting old, and a little fat. I couldn't ask for more with doggies, the love they have given me is wonderful. My daughter loves them and everyone that comes by just adores them. I guess the love in my home just rubs off on everyone...maybe that is why everyone ends up here all the time...I just love to be surrounded with animals and people all of the time....I am sorry the old rich guy couldn't handle a dog, really unbelievable...things were so indisposable to him, I remember when he went away for the weekend, he asked my hubby to watch the dogs and for some reason the dogs shit all over his 11 million dollar house, and he came to our house with a deli bag from some famous deli in New York and mark came inside all excited that his idol, Don brought him home something for watching his dogs and it was a BAG OF DOG SHIT, yes my friends, a bag of dog shit, so sweet....bastard....we moved out that next month and bought our house...but What a total lack of respect....I felt so badly for Mark...I remember how badly he felt..I really wanted to go find him and smoosh it in his face...well, he moved too and now Mark has his shop on the guy who bought the property...where we used to live, so it kind of worked out for the best...You see, Mr. Multi Million just threw his dogs away and threw some shit our way, what a nice reward for working our asses off there, but in the long run, Mark has his dream shop and has done some dream work for the new owners..he deserves it.....well, I am getting sleepy..good night
At 11:08 PM,
Suzie Ridler said…
Some people just don't understand how much responsibility being a pet owner is. It's one of the reasons I'm still waiting to get a dog, I want to do it when I can financially take care of her.
Cute and adorable dogs BTW! I just love them and could give them a big hug.
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