Sweet Memories

I am a career woman with one child, striving to find a better balance between life/work. I enjoy documenting memories, and am striving to get more creative with sharing them with others. I struggle with making decisions, and am seeking a stronger support system and want to learn from others' experiences. I want to connect more with those that have a sweet sensitive spirit.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Starting to Blog

Melba wrotehttp://www.bealivebelievebeyou.com/ in her post how we met and how I started blogging. I have always been an open and honest person, and never really held back my feelings, although most don't understand me and my sensitivity so I thought blogging would be a place where I could express myself creatively and sensitively and meet some people that would better understand me and offer me advice. My most recent post was a little too personal, more so than I thought I should be getting here, and I am just not comfortable now that I have revealed a certain piece in my life that I struggle with. We all have our troubles and our challenges and I am grateful for a lot in my life. There is a lot of work with relationships that I have to work with, but this was a start, I appreciate everyone's words and support. This is the first piece I wrote about in my journal before I started blogging and when I started reading Melbas blog. I am grateful for her and her introduction into the blogging world, at first I was pertrified about people I didn't know reading my words, and getting to know me, but now I feel like it has truly supported me, especially with my post yesterday. It is only the beginning to get to know all of you and for you to get to know me. I am excited to be reading True Balance and have a lot to say about the second chakra.


  • At 6:05 PM, Blogger Jamie said…

    Ooh, I like the passion image and the colours. Beautiful.

    I'm glad you're feeling supported about what you shared. Sometimes it's great to have a place to explore your feelings outside of the particular personal dynamics with the people involved.

    I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the second chakra.

  • At 2:46 PM, Blogger Suzie Ridler said…

    Lovely art! You have such a feminine soul, I love that.

    I concur with Jamie, I am also glad that you feel good about being supported here. It's frightening sometimes to let people know you but the wonderful thing is most of the time, most people are willing to listen and help out. And stand up for you!

    Big hug to you. I'm glad you're feeling safer online and supported.

  • At 6:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hi Sweet Memories
    Beautiful, inviting, sensual color! I'm glad that blogging feels right for you. I have revealed my sadness about my imbalanced second chakra. It was hard for me to post. I am looking forward to hearing...well, reading your musings on the second chapter of True Balance.


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