Sweet Memories

I am a career woman with one child, striving to find a better balance between life/work. I enjoy documenting memories, and am striving to get more creative with sharing them with others. I struggle with making decisions, and am seeking a stronger support system and want to learn from others' experiences. I want to connect more with those that have a sweet sensitive spirit.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Connection Beyond Friendship

I feel blessed everyday to have kept my relationships with my friends going. Each day I made an effort to reach out, communicate, keep everyone in the loop with eachother and what goes on in our lives. I guess when I thought of Creating and Keeping a Connection Mixed Media Memoirs topic on Meblas Be Alive Believe Be You I thought of all of those feminine spirits that I am connected with. Blogging is a new route for me, but over the years, I have always stayed connected with those that inspire me. I live far physically from many, but the times we chat on the phone and get together, it is like we were with eachother all year round. I try to get everyone together on a few occasions through out the years, and traditions have become very important to me. I have incorporated my vacations into seeing the girls, each and everyone makes me laugh, cry, close my eyes and just remember how important they are to me. Thank you to all the wonderful women that have filled my heart over the years with love. My new friends who I have met here when we moved to where my husband grew up, I have kept such an ongoing relationship with them. It has been wonderful to have babies together, and to sit back and watch them communicating amongst themselves. There are so so many others that I want to connect more with and when I do my craft swap, we will reconnect, it has been a while for some, but I think of you often. I am so grateful to have my life and rarely ever feel lonely. How can I when I have a neighbor that I can just pick up the phone and run over for a cup of tea or take a long walk with? God has been good to me, and has blessed me with so many people I can love and who accept my love for them. (as always, you can double click on the pic so you can read those words that I have written about our times together)


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