Sweet Memories

I am a career woman with one child, striving to find a better balance between life/work. I enjoy documenting memories, and am striving to get more creative with sharing them with others. I struggle with making decisions, and am seeking a stronger support system and want to learn from others' experiences. I want to connect more with those that have a sweet sensitive spirit.

Friday, June 16, 2006

My Sweet Laura

Laura, I love you with my heart and soul, reconnecting with you and the way in which we did it was a message from you know who from you know where....we will always be soul sisters, no matter where we are, how often we talk, you will always be part of my heart. I will always remember the story of when you found a picture of us and you started using it as a bookmark in a baby book because you were pregnant and I got that email from you that said you wanted me to know, we had not spoken in years, but we had such a history and you did not want to leave me out. It was so exciting to find out we were pregnant together. Even though out of the whole group, we waited the longest, we still experienced it at the same stage of life together. I know we drifted for reasons, I just don't know why other than we needed to make some decisions in life and we just needed to do them on our own. Thank you for that wonderful message you left me the other day, it 'put me in a place' I have not been in a while. Our friendship is just a reminder of how we are so accepting of eachother and our lives, we have changed so much over the years, but still come back to the bond we started to build in high school. I am so glad you, John, Joseph and Dante are a part of our lives. We will connect soon and plan some weekend together!!


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