This Week's topic for Melbas
Be Alive Believe Be You Mixed Media Memoirs is 'This Season I will". I seem to make these commitments, and document them each and every day. The night time comes and all hell breaks loose, I don't know why. My sleep pattern is my biggest struggle and I don't know how to fix it. We went as far as buying a new bed when it was not close to time to changing our mattress. As the few who read my blog have commented, I am too hard on myself and need to breath, relax, take some yoga, etc. These are things that have improved in my life greatly, but I still have a long journey. I have let go of many of my stresses, guilt about not spending time with my family, friends. I have conquered that and make commitments that I have followed through and through with. I am happy with my relationships, no regrets! I have in the past been very aggressive at taking classes at the gym, completing hour classes of power step, power yoga, achieving moves that I thought only the incredibly strong minded could do. I used to be solid, no jiggling. Now everything seems to have settled on my skinny bones, layers and layers of fat, yes my girlfriends, fat. And yes I am fat. I hide it very well with clothing and style. I am not a rag a muffin, I dress nicely and spend what I need to on myself to 'try' to feel good. I do have bins upon bins of clothing that won't fit me. I want to get rid of them and work on losing weight and then getting pregnant again. I am approaching 39. At Melbas event, which is ironically held at a turning point in my life (the big 40)
justBe...connected , yes ON THAT DAY. What a blessing! I have something WONDERFUL to do on a day that I have been DREADING. I truthfully thing about losing weight EVERYDAY and having another baby. I can afford a trainer, whatever it would take, but I just cant stay focused. My job soaks up my physical energy. I am beat by the time I get home, enough for loving family moments and picking up the house. I HAVE to squeeze in dieting and exercising. I know all the tools, the ways to incorporate it into my lifestyle and was doing so so well until there was a death in the neighborhood, and could not get back on track. I sink, I get depressed when others are hurting. If you tell me something sad, I bleed inside, I have been this sensitive since I was a child. I used to want to go after women that were yelling at their children. I need to stay on top of myself. I need to do this. I have several people in my life that I can look to for support on this, I just am stubborn when it comes to looking for help with my dieting. I want Kayla to have a sibling, but cannot until I lose about 20 pounds. I did it once before, I need to do it again. I need to start today. I will, I want to. I will have to bore with you the details on this blog, I don't know where else I can feel comfortable with this right now. I want to feel good in my clothes. I saw pictures of myself from last weekend and I looked MUCH better than I felt, it made me feel great to see them. I didn't want my mother to take pictures and have my dad see how fat I got, but was relieved when I saw them in the mail, my clothing seemed to take away from the blubber. This is the only thing I would really change right now, I need to feel good and I think it would change a lot in my life. There is a parade on Tuesday and I don't want to go because I am fat. When my grandmother died, I didn't go see her before she passed away because I was fat. Please don't feel badly for me, I know I am strong enough to take responsibility. I need to find the time and energy to take care of myself, journaling, crafting has helped, but I need to take it a step further. Between work and caring for family, I need to fit it in, I might have less time for crafting, but I need to do this.
At 7:34 PM,
andria said…
I hope the yoga works for you. It helped me out a lot.
I don't do the diet thing, although I am struggling at the moment to give up soda and fatty foods for health reasons, but my friend had great success with WW, she lost 54 pounds in five months. I can direct you to her blog if you want some support.
At 7:36 PM,
andria said…
And Mary Ann,
I had no idea you were going through all that. We struggled for a time to have children and I remember having the same conversation with God. I do know how you feel and I pray that God answers your prayers.
Sorry to take over your comment box.
At 5:37 AM,
sweet memories said…
You are such a wonderful and beautiful person, I know that your spirit will lead you to do what you are called to doing...You and your hubby look so happy, and your art fills you with so much joy, (and others!) I am sending you thoughts and hugs for making your choices be what you want them to be...I want you to fullfill your dreams, what they may be...I wish I could be there to give you a hug when you start to cry about this...you are such a 'soulful', passionate, generous person that has so much to give...I am sending hugs to you...I want for you what you want for yourself...thank you for sharing...I do know that you have the power to have a very positive and loving affect on others...and you have given me more strength by offering your support, loving words, and your art...I will close my eyes now and say a prayer that whoever that is above looking after you that he/she gives you the strengh to make your decisions....maryann, you are so sweet and wonderful...hugs to you...
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