Hmmm..not sure lately if I have time for Blogging, used to make more time for it, but having a hard time keeping up with life....I have made decisions over the past few months that have strengthened my family unit, such as looking at the positives at my job and making the best out of them, enjoying my home and not running away every weekend, vacation I can on a plane to try to forget the little things at home that need attention. My life has become less complicated when I stay focused on basic needs. I have many people in my life that I have also been sorting through, spending less time with those that stunt my creative and spiritual growth and suck the life out of me; I have been not the first person to offer up my home and entertain all of the time, letting others take the lead on that, and enjoying every conversation with my spiritual little girl, making more time for creative playing with her. You see, this time in my life, along with motherhood, is the best thing for me. I have always been a very giving person and not always the type that could put my feet up, relax and have a cup of tea. I am better when I am on my feet, taking charge and getting everyone around me going. It is what I am good at, and in the past years, I have tried to take a look at who I am and try to make some changes so that I can relax and take it easy a little more. I guess it is just not me, and what I enjoy is making things easy for others and helping others to enjoy things more. I have always thought about starting a business of my own, about a dozen or so types, changing constantly. My hubby has one, so it is hard for both of us to do this, then you lose the benefits of working for a company. I have decided maybe of a side business, something a little smaller that can work into something big if my life allows it to. I will do it quietly and throughout my day, I will stop to make the time for ideas and developing my dream business if time allows. For now, I will just stay focused, stay positive and remember that my life will always be a reflection on my daughter who has completely changed my life and helps me every day to see things more sweetly. I may post once a month, maybe more, have not decided to completely ditch the blogging community because I have met a few very sweet souls that I would like to remain in touch with....but for now, I have to hang onto what is in front of me and make the best of it.
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