Sweet Memories

I am a career woman with one child, striving to find a better balance between life/work. I enjoy documenting memories, and am striving to get more creative with sharing them with others. I struggle with making decisions, and am seeking a stronger support system and want to learn from others' experiences. I want to connect more with those that have a sweet sensitive spirit.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

My Memorial

When this week's challenge was presented for Mixed Media Memoirs I thought about all those that have passed onto another life. I always think of life after death and how it must be very peaceful and loving. I occassionally surround myself with angelic figurines that may bring peace to my soul. My mother Pauline gave my daughter a figurine of Mother Mary that she had next to her bedside when she was a little girl. She is missing her praying hands as they fell off through the years. She put Mary in a box I had painted her for Christmas along with some grass. Kayla has placed Mary next to her bed in her 'nest'. I cherish everything anyone has ever given to me and usually have a story for each gift, as I believe when someone gives, they give from the heart. Inside the box lays Mary each night in her nest, along with a prayer card for our neighbor who died on April 10th this year. Kayla speaks of John often and last night told me that he was camping up in Heaven and that God was just about done fixing him so he could come back home and be with Mary (his wife). I love her spirituality. My memorial is my memory of a loving family and beautiful friendships. I cherish each day and try to make sure everything I do is contributing to someone's happiness. I have been better accepting of days that I am not able to help everyone with their problems and have taken more of a step back for ME. I want to be remembered as a person that truly cared for everyone and whose heart broke when you were sad. I want to remembered as a woman who loved so much around her and had a true concern for those she knew and loved. I want Kayla Elisabeth (Wise Child, Consectrate from God) to love all things and not feel the pain I have felt for others. I want her to be more accepting of what God's plan is for her...and me....our family..and our friends....


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