Sweet Memories

I am a career woman with one child, striving to find a better balance between life/work. I enjoy documenting memories, and am striving to get more creative with sharing them with others. I struggle with making decisions, and am seeking a stronger support system and want to learn from others' experiences. I want to connect more with those that have a sweet sensitive spirit.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Reaching Out

For the first time reaching out for help, I finally got some that inspired me to do something different, take a look at how I handle things and be the strong one that had to explain things to K. Long story short, numbers were given in error to me, people to contact in the wrong departments, voicemail issues, IVR issues, you see, I am an advocate for my child and just dont stop until I get answers and information that I am comfortable with. Today, my daughter, went in for a VCUG. If you read about it on the internet, there is a lot of tough stories. Trauma, stress, pain, discomfort. I even have a nurse friend whose daughter went through it and she had to hold her down the whole time. I heared it is invasive, painful, and horrible.

Today was PERFECT.

I was on a plan of when to tell her, what to say, what words to use, what items she would pick up to go to the procedure.

She cried for about 3 seconds. She said she wanted to go home. She did not even FEEL the catheter going in (when I asked her on the way home, how did it feel when the doctor put that thing in your pee pee, she said it felt WARM! AH!). My little spitfire was watching the xray TV and commenting how cool it was that she could see the tube and her pee pee on the TV!

All worries are gone...she is done with this and she does not have Kidney Relux. The UTI and 105 fevers were just a bad combination, probably some horrible flu mixed up with a UTI. Un freaking believable she is....I just cant describe how proud I am of my little angel.

She asked me if from now on she could go to Childrens Hospital in Boston when she gets sick. I asked her why and she said because nothing hurts there...

I know I got all worked up but who wouldn't...

Thank you to my new friends at CaC for your support, I just absolutely got through this with your support and these child life specialists that I reached out to! I am nominating one of them for an award that they give out each month. My letters to their whole staff will go out tonight....


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Thank you

You all know who you are, there a a few that have really given me some words of encouragement through emails and prayers. Thank you, I am sitting here at peace with the situation with K and what she needs to go through. We have packed a bag of her favorite things, which she helped to pick out and is excited about the whole thing!@ Imagine that! She picked out her favorite blanket, not one of those little ones, it is queen sized fuzzy and purple, hey whatever works! Her favorite pillow, cd player and hannah montanna CD is in the bag, two stuffed animals that they will demonstrate the procedure on before they go along with anything. I am wearing a necklace that I got in my first swap, it says Have Faith, and wearing my pink and white Life is Good Shirt....so is K, I have one for her too...I also contacted a group at the hospital that is called Child Life Resources that have helped me get together a plan for all of this, when to tell her, how and what to tell her about the procedure. I reached out and feel like taking that necklace off after this is over and giving it to a special girl named Karen who just walked me through everything and got all the specialists to call me and speak with me about everything. God Bless Her!

Thank you again..Life IS GOOD

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Easter

I did it, I managed to work another retail holiday weekend and still make time to take K to see the Easter Bunny at the mall before work today. I am so glad I did, because little miss thanked me on the way home, "Mommy thank you so much for taking me to see the Easter Bunny, and for getting my picture taken, I love my pictures". My daughter is always so grateful and appreciative. Every single person she saw at the mall, she would stop to tell them she was on her way to see the Easter Bunny and she would go on and on with so much to say. She is my little bunny. We made these cute little felt bunnies all dressed with different bows in their hair, necklaces, that she put all around the foam spring houses that we made. She llllllloves them. Whenever she says the word Love, she drags the L out..LLLLLLLLLove...I LLLLLLLove that she does this..I bought her a pair of cute shoes the other day, she said I llllllllllllllllove my shoes....well, I hope everyone has a Happy Easter if you celebrate it....

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Tammy, from , Mimmsical Creations! has hosted as part of CAC s Getting to Know You - Let's go to the movies
For week one - I thought we'd start off with one of my favorite things - The Movies. I love movies - all types! I am hard pressed to pick favorites, but here goes!

Name your all-time favorite movie! (Or if you're like me, narrow it down to your top five!)

My favorite movie of all time was the Little Mermaid, I was doing an internship at the time down at WDW and my little brother, I think he was in the 7th grade, was down visiting me. We went and it was amazing. We both loved Disney movies as children and as he was growing up, I used to buy them for him. We have a very special relationship and to have him there with me while I was home sick, was sweet.

What genre of movie do you like best?
I like dramas the most, romantic comedy too.

What movie made you cry the most?
9/11. It was mixed emotions, I was crying with happiness for those that were reunited with their loved ones, but at the same time remembering the pain we all felt that day.

Have you ever applauded during a movie in the theatre? Which one? If not, what would make you do that? I dont remember ever doing that, but would not be embarrassed to do it either, I am a pretty expressive person. The last movie though, the two little kids with me did applaud at hte Teenage mutant ninja turtle movie.

Do you own any soundtracks from movies? Which is your favorite and why did the music inspire you? I have the rent cd, went to see the play and the movie. I just like to crank it up and clean the house, it makes me want to dance....the songs are very meaningful...No day like today, I think is one of the songs that really inspired me...

Is there a particular actor or actress who inspires you? Why do you like him or her?
I like Meryl Streep, she makes me laugh and being a serious person all the time, I like her humor.

Is there a particular actor or actress who you just dislike and will not see their movies? Why?
I dont know why, I used to have a thing for tom cruise, but for some reason, now, he just doesnt thrill me.

Have you ever dreamed of being an actor? Which role would be your dream role?
I used to host the neighborhood plays and liked acting and doing shows, but never dreamed of being an actress....I am a little shy (most would not know that about me), but think I am unique from anyone, my dream would be like a healer going around making people feel better physically and mentally, helping children...

If there was ever a movie made of your life, who should star as you?
I dont really see a lot of movies and really have not been able to see myself as anyone else...people say I sound like the Nanny (because I live in reserved New England and my Long Island Accent and whine and nasily voice makes people cringe sometimes)