Sweet Memories

I am a career woman with one child, striving to find a better balance between life/work. I enjoy documenting memories, and am striving to get more creative with sharing them with others. I struggle with making decisions, and am seeking a stronger support system and want to learn from others' experiences. I want to connect more with those that have a sweet sensitive spirit.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Reaching Out

For the first time reaching out for help, I finally got some that inspired me to do something different, take a look at how I handle things and be the strong one that had to explain things to K. Long story short, numbers were given in error to me, people to contact in the wrong departments, voicemail issues, IVR issues, you see, I am an advocate for my child and just dont stop until I get answers and information that I am comfortable with. Today, my daughter, went in for a VCUG. If you read about it on the internet, there is a lot of tough stories. Trauma, stress, pain, discomfort. I even have a nurse friend whose daughter went through it and she had to hold her down the whole time. I heared it is invasive, painful, and horrible.

Today was PERFECT.

I was on a plan of when to tell her, what to say, what words to use, what items she would pick up to go to the procedure.

She cried for about 3 seconds. She said she wanted to go home. She did not even FEEL the catheter going in (when I asked her on the way home, how did it feel when the doctor put that thing in your pee pee, she said it felt WARM! AH!). My little spitfire was watching the xray TV and commenting how cool it was that she could see the tube and her pee pee on the TV!

All worries are gone...she is done with this and she does not have Kidney Relux. The UTI and 105 fevers were just a bad combination, probably some horrible flu mixed up with a UTI. Un freaking believable she is....I just cant describe how proud I am of my little angel.

She asked me if from now on she could go to Childrens Hospital in Boston when she gets sick. I asked her why and she said because nothing hurts there...

I know I got all worked up but who wouldn't...

Thank you to my new friends at CaC for your support, I just absolutely got through this with your support and these child life specialists that I reached out to! I am nominating one of them for an award that they give out each month. My letters to their whole staff will go out tonight....



  • At 9:01 PM, Blogger winnsangels said…

    Oh sweetie - I'm so glad I took a moment to check your blog. Tears - of joy - for you and K. God bless.
    Angels be with you and K.
    Much love and huge hugs,
    Wendy XO

  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger Melanie Margaret said…

    I am so glad to hear the procedure went ok. I read your comment, but was away as my sister gave birth a month early. I wore the necklace and bracelet you made me on Monday and said prayers for you and Kayla.

    Love to you!


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