Getting to Know Me
What did you eat last?
hmmmm I had a late night snack, don't sleep well and diet all day and then get up in the middle of the night and eat, I had a bunny sugar cookie that I bought for Kaylas playdate on Tuesday, should have sent over the left overs!
What about YOUR love life? Anyone special? Tell us about him/her!
My husband, well it has been a hard few years for us to spend quality time together, he is an artist (a general contractor that custom builds and designs all of his work). He is sweet and quiet, we have been married 17 years. The biggest part of him that I love is his way with my daughter, I just love to see her eyes meet his...she truly loves him...
What is it like where you live?
When we were driving around local towns to see where we would want to buy a house over 10 years ago, my husband started mocking some country songs, and pretending he was playing a is very laid back, mostly gambrel cape, cape and salt box style homes. Also, there really aren't any stores except like a general store, very country, lots of farms. I love our yard, my darling husband also has a knack for landscaping and the dahlias he brought us come from hundred of years ago from an estate he used to manage...he just has a beautiful way of taking care of our yard..before we bought this home, we lived in Miles Standish's son's home, Alexander Standish, built in 1666, and the home we live in today is designed just like his, so this style home has been around for years. I love the history of where I live know, but do miss the hospitality of Long Island folks.
What are YOUR favorite features about yourself?
I have bedroom eyes, hazel color and a tiny mouth with tiny lips, my daughter has the same, when someone meets here that has known me forever, they comment on those features and how she has inherited those from me...
What deep thoughts have YOU been pondering upon?
Losing weight and having a baby, consumes my thoughts everyday..Cant do one with out the other, and neither seems to be doing well...
List 2 random things you love about life:
The one thing I love is spending time with people that can appreciate the tiny things in life. I wrote a post about a recent weekend I had, shopping at the five and dime, the general store. I realized my little one doesn't take a lot to please either, bringing myself back to what I loved as a little girl, my relationship with my mom and how simple things just made me so happy.
I love watching my daughter create drawings. She usually does not like coloring books, she likes plain paper and tries to recreate something that she has seen, she also has a spiritual way of creating her drawings, she has made a picture of what she thinks God looks like with a lighting bolt going into the side of his body (she calls it the spirit of God)
How did YOU find out about CAC?
I worked with Melbas hubby and anytime I would create something he would mention how creative his wife was. Whenever I saw her in the store, I wanted to get together for a play date with her, we seemed to have a sweet spirit in common. She handed me her postcards, I followed for a while reading her blog then tried one of my own. I am working more on relationships that I have right now in my life, which is most important and I hope to join CaC, as long as I am not uncomfortably pregnant or in the middle of an adoption, I am taking it slow committing to that right now.
What do YOU love most about spring?
The fresh air. I love the winter too, we still go indoor iceskating every Tuesday, but the air brings a new energy to me. I have thought about starting to exercise again, I love to eat fruit and salads, but somehow it just doesn't go with winter, retail and the holidays. I love the lifted spirits of those around me, you can feel it when the air is fresh and light.
Now I must go dring my coffee (cinammin swirl); excercise (dont know how just yet); and listen to the birds outside and start breathing in the fresh air. And my darling is still sleeping!